Before making a final decision about a home care provider, get as much information as possible so you can compare them and make sure they meet your requirements.
· What do you want help with?
· How often do you want them to visit?
· What time do you want them to visit?
· What specific activities do you want them to help with?
· What’s your budget?
· How many hours a day/week can you afford to have help?
You might find it easier to do this with a family member or friend as having a conversation can give rise to many different issues. To find a list of care providers in your area go to the Care Inspectorate website.
2. Make a list of home care providers in the area that meet your needs Once you find a list of providers in your area. Check that they are registered with the Care Inspectorate and read their most recent inspection reports. The Care Inspectorate monitor and inspect services to make sure appropriate standards of quality and safety are met, and publish inspection reports online to help people choose the most suitable care company.
Check that the company is a member of Scottish Care these agencies ensure that high standards of care are provided. Personal assistants aren’t regulated and don’t have to be registered. To read more about the care inspectorate go to their website
3. Draw up a shortlist of home care agencies Only include those agencies that appear to be able to meet your needs. Our article on the pros and cons of home care services will help you in your decision making.
4. Contact the agencies on your list Arrange to meet with the care assessment team, preferably in your home. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is your opportunity to find out what you need to know. If you have a family member who lives nearby, or a close friend, it’s a good idea to ask them to join you and help you compare the services they offer. Our article on questions to ask a home care agency gives you a thorough list of questions, which you can also download to print off and discuss.